Kindle Paperwhite: One Week In Review | KhmerueTeams Official

Kindle Paperwhite: One Week In Review

 Hey guys! so if you had asked me even a year ago what I thought of e-readers and what I thought of possibly getting one.  I would have had some pretty strong opinions especially me from many years ago when I was younger I was very anti eBook anti e-reader and i was very much into the feeling of owning physical books and reading physical books and the smell of the book, and I'm still like that. But I've realized recently for me that reading physical books and owning a lot of them and buying a lot of them is not the most practical way for me to read.

I realized that I wasn't reading my physical books as much as I'd like because they're were all these barriers to reading that had to do with the actual physical book things like not being able to read in the dark without an annoying book light that you have to try to position the right way and everything- that was annoying I didn't want to get into bed and read just have to get back out and turn the light off to go to sleep I wanted to be able to read while i eat or other things that require me to not be actually holding the book open I was really annoyed at trying to keep a book open because i found that they kept just wanting to shut and its really annoying and that the physical books were really heavy and my arms would get tired so quickly so this started when I got an iPhone earlier in the year and i started reading on the kindle app, which I really like, I liked that I could just, you know, hold it in one hand or that i can just kind of read wherever because I'd have my phone with me anyway so in case i was out waiting for something I didn't have to remember to also bring a physical book with me I just had my phone anyway, so i downloaded that app and just you know downloaded a couple of books on there and I made great use of that and I really like that i found that i read more I found that it was, because the pages were so small.

I like, read faster I just had it with me anyway and I just enjoyed reading an e-book but we finally made me switch to a kindle and obviously I'm not switching exclusively i still own all these wonderful books which I'm going to read but what made me actually get the kindle- I got the kindle paper-white- was that my phone hurt my eyes to read for long periods of time. So there's many wonderful reviews of the kindle paper-white on YouTube, so you can check those out if you want but let me just say like it really does kind of look like you're reading on paper like you can change the brightness but it doesn't hurt your eyes.

At least don't hurt mine, it's not backbit so it's not like glaring right in your face, and like I said you can read like in the dark, you can read during the daytime, you can just change the brightness and everything and I just really like it. I like that it has a long battery life I like that it's easy to change the page I like that it's easy to highlight like you can just highlight what you want to and you don't have to worry about finding a pen and what I found with reading physical books and I'd try to underline is that like I try to do the line and then it goes like that and my handwriting is really bad so I want to try to add a note it's not very good so with this I can just type a note and then there's a section where you can look at all the notes that you've made so that's really helpful i think when i do reviews.

I'll be able to see all my thoughts i kinda on one page instead of having to flip through the book it also has a dictionary so i can just look up a word because i don't, i don't know, i have terrible vocabulary and it's hard when you're, you know, reading a book and you don't understand a word and then you have to get up and go get a dictionary or you look it up online or something... you can just do it instantly on the kindle and that was another barrier to reading that I had- like what if i read a difficult book and I don't understand these words oh well that would you know be hard to find a dictionary and all that stuff and now it's just like right there and I feel like maybe I'll be able to tackle some of like the harder classics or something so I've only owned this for a week, but so far i really really love it- I'm reading so much more just in the last week than I have in a while and the thing though is that, like.

I still love physical books- i own many of them i love having a bookshelf full of books and seeing that and just being able to own the object but i also like to be able to like get a free sample of the book online before I test it out i don't have to buy the whole books that's another pro... anyway what was I saying? i will always love physical books and I know from my experience with journal writing that sometimes i really prefer to write in a word document and sometimes i really prefer to write in a paper journal, and I I think reading will probably be exactly the same some days.

I'll want to read on my Kindle and some days I'll want to read in a physical book and I think there's room for both so I'm actually really glad that I opened my mind a little bit to the world of e-books because it's just more reading to be done! And if something can encourage me to read more because it cuts out some of the physical barriers associated with the physical book I think that's great I think it's great that I'm reading and, I don't know, I'm just enjoying it so let me know what you guys think of this in the comments do you own a kindle or e-reader? are you a die-hard physical book fan? are you a die-hard eBook fan? do you think there's room in the world for both? let me know your thoughts in the comments and thank you so much for watching so I'll see you in the next video, bye!

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