Recent Comments Widget with Hide Author Comments function For Blogger | KhmerueTeams Official

Recent Comments Widget with Hide Author Comments function For Blogger

A few days ago, Mrpolie asked if there's a way to hide the author comments in the Recent Comments widget so that we would be able to see only readers' comments and our replies to be hidden. So, in this post I'll be sharing with you the Recent Comments widget that comes with this function. If you want to show just blog readers' comments rather than yours, you have just to change "Blogger User" text with the surname under which you are posting.

The main features of this recent comments widget:

  • You'll be able to hide your comments
  • Change the avatar size
  • Set the number of comments to display
  • Set the length of comment for the widget to display

Recent Comments Widget with Hide Author Function

Step 1. From your Blogger Dashboard, go to Layout and click on Add a Gadget link.

Step 2. In the pop-up window, choose the HTML/JavaScript widget.

Step 3. Copy-paste the following code:

Recent Comments Widget with Round Avatars: 

<style type="text/css">

.rc{padding-left:24px; padding-top: 6px;}

.rc a:hover {color: #F3903E;text-decoration: none;}

.rc-ico{margin-left:-20px;margin-top:4px;float:left; margin-right:3px}

.rc-ico img {margin-top: -2px;margin-right:5px; border: 2px solid #fff;-webkit-border-radius: 100px;-moz-border-radius: 100px;border-radius: 100px;-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);-moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);

-webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in-out;

-moz-transition: all 1s ease-in-out;

-o-transition: all 1s ease-in-out;

-ms-transition: all 1s ease-in-out; }

.rc-ico img:hover {-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(360deg);

-o-transform: rotate(360deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(360deg);}

.rc-header{font-size: 13px;}

.rc-header a{}

.rc-body{font-style: italic; font-size:11px;padding: 0px 4px 1px 10px;border: 1px solid transparent;}

.rc-footer{font-size:11px; float: right;}


<script type="text/javascript">

var numRecentComments = 5;

var maxCommentChars = 67;

var trueAvatars = true;

var urlMyAvatar = '';

var urlMyProfile = '';

var cropAvatar = true;

var sizeAvatar = 50;

var urlNoAvatar = ""+sizeAvatar+"/anonymous-Icon.jpg";

var urlAnoAvatar = '' + sizeAvatar;

var txtMore = '';

var txtWrote = 'commented:';

var txtAnonymous = '';

var maxResultsComments = "";

var numPerPost = 2;

var maxPostTitleChars = 40;

var getTitles = true;

var maxResultsPosts = "";

var txtTooltip = '[user] on &quot;[title]&quot; - [date MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm]';

var urlToTitle = {};

function replaceVars(text, user, title, date) {

text = text.replace('[user]', user);

text = text.replace('[date]', date.toLocaleDateString());

text = text.replace('[datetime]', date.toLocaleString());

text = text.replace('[time]', date.toLocaleTimeString());

text = text.replace('[title]', title.replace(/\"/g,'&quot;'));

var i = text.indexOf("[date ");

if(i > -1) {

var format = /\[date\s+(.+?)\]/.exec(text)[1];

if(format != '') {

var txtDate = format.replace(/yyyy/i, date.getFullYear());

txtDate = txtDate.replace(/yy/i, date.getFullYear().toString().slice(-2));

txtDate = txtDate.replace("MM", String("0"+(date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2));

txtDate = txtDate.replace("mm", String("0"+date.getMinutes()).slice(-2));

txtDate = txtDate.replace("ss", String("0"+date.getSeconds()).slice(-2));

txtDate = txtDate.replace("dd", String("0"+date.getDate()).slice(-2));

//or: txtDate = txtDate.replace("dd", date.getDate());

txtDate = txtDate.replace("hh", String("0"+date.getHours()).slice(-2));

//or: txtDate = txtDate.replace("hh", date.getHours());

text = text.replace(/\[date\s+(.+?)\]/, txtDate)



return text;


if(urlMyProfile == "") {

var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("*");

var expr = /(^| )profile-link( |$)/;

for(var i=0 ; i<elements.length ; i++)

if(expr.test(elements[i].className)) {

urlMyProfile = elements[i].href;




function getPostUrlsForComments(json) {

for(var i = 0 ; i < json.feed.entry.length ; i++ ) {

var entry = json.feed.entry[i];

for (var k = 0; k <; k++ ) {

if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {

href =[k].href;




urlToTitle[href] = entry.title.$t;



function showRecentComments(json) {

var postHandled = {};

var j = 0;

if(numPerPost) {

while(numPerPost < numRecentComments) {

for(var i = 0 ; i < json.feed.entry.length ; i++ ) {

var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; if([0].name.$t=="Blogger User") continue;

if(entry["thr$in-reply-to"]) {


postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] = 1;



if(postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] <= numPerPost)




if(j >= numRecentComments)



j = 0;

postHandled = {};


if(numRecentComments == numPerPost)

numPerPost = 0;


postHandled = {};

j = 0;

for(var i = 0 ; j < numRecentComments && i < json.feed.entry.length ; i++ ) {

var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; if([0].name.$t=="Blogger User") continue;

if(numPerPost && postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] && postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] >= numPerPost)


if(entry["thr$in-reply-to"]) {


postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] = 1;




var href='';

for (var k = 0; k <; k++ ) {

if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {

href =[k].href;




if(href=='') {j--; continue; }

var hrefPost = href.split("?")[0];

var comment = "";

if("content" in entry) comment = entry.content.$t;

else comment = entry.summary.$t;

comment = comment.replace(/<br[^>]*>/ig, " ");

comment = comment.replace(/<\S[^>]*>/g, "");

var postTitle="-";

if(urlToTitle[hrefPost]) postTitle=urlToTitle[hrefPost];

else {

if(hrefPost.match(/\/([^/]*)\.html/)) postTitle = hrefPost.match(/\/([^/]*)\.html/)[1].replace(/_\d{2}$/, "");

postTitle = postTitle.replace(/-/g," ");

postTitle = postTitle[0].toUpperCase() + postTitle.slice(1);


if(maxPostTitleChars && postTitle.length > maxPostTitleChars) {

postTitle = postTitle.substring(0, maxPostTitleChars);

var indexBreak = postTitle.lastIndexOf(" ");

postTitle = postTitle.substring(0, indexBreak) + "...";


var authorName =[0].name.$t;

var authorUri = "";

if([0].uri &&[0].uri.$t != "")

authorUri =[0].uri.$t;

var avaimg = urlAnoAvatar;

var bloggerprofile = "";

if(trueAvatars &&[0].gd$image &&[0].gd$image.src && authorUri.substr(0,bloggerprofile.length) == bloggerprofile)

avaimg =[0].gd$image.src;

else {

var parseurl = document.createElement('a');

if(authorUri != "") {

parseurl.href = authorUri;

avaimg = '' + parseurl.hostname;



if(urlMyProfile != "" && authorUri == urlMyProfile && urlMyAvatar != "")

avaimg = urlMyAvatar;

if(avaimg == "" && urlNoAvatar != "")

avaimg = urlNoAvatar;

var newsize="s"+sizeAvatar;

avaimg = avaimg.replace(/\/s\d\d+-c\//, "/"+newsize+"-c/");

if(cropAvatar) newsize+="-c";

avaimg = avaimg.replace(/\/s\d\d+(-c){0,1}\//, "/"+newsize+"/");

if(authorName == 'Anonymous' && txtAnonymous != '' && avaimg == urlAnoAvatar)

authorName = txtAnonymous;

var imgcode = '<img height="'+sizeAvatar+'" width="'+sizeAvatar+'" title="'+authorName+'" src="'+avaimg+'" />';

if (authorUri!="") imgcode = '<a href="'+authorUri+'">'+imgcode+'</a>';

var clsAdmin = "";

if(urlMyProfile != "" && authorUri == urlMyProfile)

clsAdmin = " rc-admin";

var datePart = entry.published.$t.match(/\d+/g); // assume ISO 8601

var cmtDate = new Date(datePart[0],datePart[1]-1,datePart[2],datePart[3],datePart[4],datePart[5]);

var txtHeader = txtWrote;


txtHeader = authorName + ' ' + txtWrote;


txtHeader = replaceVars(txtHeader, authorName, postTitle, cmtDate);

var tooltip = replaceVars(txtTooltip, authorName, postTitle, cmtDate);

if(!/#/.test(href)) href += "#comments";

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc'+clsAdmin+'">');

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-header'+clsAdmin+'"><div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-ico'+clsAdmin+'">'+imgcode+'</div><a title="'+tooltip+'" href="' + href + '">' + txtHeader + ' </a></div>');

if(comment.length < maxCommentChars)

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-body'+clsAdmin+'">' + comment + '</div>');

else {

comment = comment.substring(0, maxCommentChars);

var indexBreak = comment.lastIndexOf(" ");

comment = comment.substring(0, indexBreak);

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-body'+clsAdmin+'">' + comment + '...</div>');

if(txtMore != "") {

var moretext = replaceVars(txtMore, authorName, postTitle, cmtDate);

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-footer'+clsAdmin+'"><a title="'+tooltip+'" href="' + href + '">' + moretext + '</a></div>');



document.write('<div style="clear:both;"></div></div>');





document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://'+window.location.hostname+'/feeds/posts/summary?redirect=false'+maxResultsPosts+'&alt=json-in-script&callback=getPostUrlsForComments"></'+'script>');

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://'+window.location.hostname+'/feeds/comments/default?redirect=false'+maxResultsComments+'&alt=json-in-script&callback=showRecentComments"></'+'script>');


Recent Comments Widget With Post Titles (no avatars):

<style type="text/css">

.rc{margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 7px; padding-bottom: 7px; border-bottom: 1px dotted;}

.rc-ico{float:left; margin-right:3px}

.rc-ico img {display:none; }


.rc-header a{color: #045FB4;}

.rc-body{font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; color: #444444; border: 0px dotted #000000;}

.rc-footer{font-size:11px; }


<script type="text/javascript">

var numRecentComments = 5;

var maxCommentChars = 95;

var trueAvatars = true;

var urlMyAvatar = '';

var urlMyProfile = '';

var cropAvatar = true;

var sizeAvatar = 50;

var urlNoAvatar = ""+sizeAvatar+"/anonymous-Icon.jpg";

var urlAnoAvatar = '' + sizeAvatar;

var txtMore = '';

var txtWrote = '[user] commented on [title]';

var txtAnonymous = '';

var maxResultsComments = "";

var numPerPost = 2;

var maxPostTitleChars = 50;

var getTitles = true;

var maxResultsPosts = "";

var txtTooltip = 'Date: [date MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm]';

var urlToTitle = {};

function replaceVars(text, user, title, date) {

text = text.replace('[user]', user);

text = text.replace('[date]', date.toLocaleDateString());

text = text.replace('[datetime]', date.toLocaleString());

text = text.replace('[time]', date.toLocaleTimeString());

text = text.replace('[title]', title.replace(/\"/g,'&quot;'));

var i = text.indexOf("[date ");

if(i > -1) {

var format = /\[date\s+(.+?)\]/.exec(text)[1];

if(format != '') {

var txtDate = format.replace(/yyyy/i, date.getFullYear());

txtDate = txtDate.replace(/yy/i, date.getFullYear().toString().slice(-2));

txtDate = txtDate.replace("MM", String("0"+(date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2));

txtDate = txtDate.replace("mm", String("0"+date.getMinutes()).slice(-2));

txtDate = txtDate.replace("ss", String("0"+date.getSeconds()).slice(-2));

txtDate = txtDate.replace("dd", String("0"+date.getDate()).slice(-2));

//or: txtDate = txtDate.replace("dd", date.getDate());

txtDate = txtDate.replace("hh", String("0"+date.getHours()).slice(-2));

//or: txtDate = txtDate.replace("hh", date.getHours());

text = text.replace(/\[date\s+(.+?)\]/, txtDate)



return text;


if(urlMyProfile == "") {

var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("*");

var expr = /(^| )profile-link( |$)/;

for(var i=0 ; i<elements.length ; i++)

if(expr.test(elements[i].className)) {

urlMyProfile = elements[i].href;




function getPostUrlsForComments(json) {

for(var i = 0 ; i < json.feed.entry.length ; i++ ) {

var entry = json.feed.entry[i];

for (var k = 0; k <; k++ ) {

if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {

href =[k].href;




urlToTitle[href] = entry.title.$t;



function showRecentComments(json) {

var postHandled = {};

var j = 0;

if(numPerPost) {

while(numPerPost < numRecentComments) {

for(var i = 0 ; i < json.feed.entry.length ; i++ ) {

var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; if([0].name.$t=="Blogger User") continue;

if(entry["thr$in-reply-to"]) {


postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] = 1;



if(postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] <= numPerPost)




if(j >= numRecentComments)



j = 0;

postHandled = {};


if(numRecentComments == numPerPost)

numPerPost = 0;


postHandled = {};

j = 0;

for(var i = 0 ; j < numRecentComments && i < json.feed.entry.length ; i++ ) {

var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; if([0].name.$t=="Blogger User") continue;

if(numPerPost && postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] && postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] >= numPerPost)


if(entry["thr$in-reply-to"]) {


postHandled[entry["thr$in-reply-to"].href] = 1;




var href='';

for (var k = 0; k <; k++ ) {

if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {

href =[k].href;




if(href=='') {j--; continue; }

var hrefPost = href.split("?")[0];

var comment = "";

if("content" in entry) comment = entry.content.$t;

else comment = entry.summary.$t;

comment = comment.replace(/<br[^>]*>/ig, " ");

comment = comment.replace(/<\S[^>]*>/g, "");

var postTitle="-";

if(urlToTitle[hrefPost]) postTitle=urlToTitle[hrefPost];

else {

if(hrefPost.match(/\/([^/]*)\.html/)) postTitle = hrefPost.match(/\/([^/]*)\.html/)[1].replace(/_\d{2}$/, "");

postTitle = postTitle.replace(/-/g," ");

postTitle = postTitle[0].toUpperCase() + postTitle.slice(1);


if(maxPostTitleChars && postTitle.length > maxPostTitleChars) {

postTitle = postTitle.substring(0, maxPostTitleChars);

var indexBreak = postTitle.lastIndexOf(" ");

postTitle = postTitle.substring(0, indexBreak) + "...";


var authorName =[0].name.$t;

var authorUri = "";

if([0].uri &&[0].uri.$t != "")

authorUri =[0].uri.$t;

var avaimg = urlAnoAvatar;

var bloggerprofile = "";

if(trueAvatars &&[0].gd$image &&[0].gd$image.src && authorUri.substr(0,bloggerprofile.length) == bloggerprofile)

avaimg =[0].gd$image.src;

else {

var parseurl = document.createElement('a');

if(authorUri != "") {

parseurl.href = authorUri;

avaimg = '' + parseurl.hostname;



if(urlMyProfile != "" && authorUri == urlMyProfile && urlMyAvatar != "")

avaimg = urlMyAvatar;

if(avaimg == "" && urlNoAvatar != "")

avaimg = urlNoAvatar;

var newsize="s"+sizeAvatar;

avaimg = avaimg.replace(/\/s\d\d+-c\//, "/"+newsize+"-c/");

if(cropAvatar) newsize+="-c";

avaimg = avaimg.replace(/\/s\d\d+(-c){0,1}\//, "/"+newsize+"/");

if(authorName == 'Anonymous' && txtAnonymous != '' && avaimg == urlAnoAvatar)

authorName = txtAnonymous;

var imgcode = '<img height="'+sizeAvatar+'" width="'+sizeAvatar+'" title="'+authorName+'" src="'+avaimg+'" />';

if (authorUri!="") imgcode = '<a href="'+authorUri+'">'+imgcode+'</a>';

var clsAdmin = "";

if(urlMyProfile != "" && authorUri == urlMyProfile)

clsAdmin = " rc-admin";

var datePart = entry.published.$t.match(/\d+/g); // assume ISO 8601

var cmtDate = new Date(datePart[0],datePart[1]-1,datePart[2],datePart[3],datePart[4],datePart[5]);

var txtHeader = txtWrote;


txtHeader = authorName + ' ' + txtWrote;


txtHeader = replaceVars(txtHeader, authorName, postTitle, cmtDate);

var tooltip = replaceVars(txtTooltip, authorName, postTitle, cmtDate);

if(!/#/.test(href)) href += "#comments";

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc'+clsAdmin+'">');

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-header'+clsAdmin+'"><div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-ico'+clsAdmin+'">'+imgcode+'</div><a title="'+tooltip+'" href="' + href + '">' + txtHeader + ' </a></div>');

if(comment.length < maxCommentChars)

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-body'+clsAdmin+'">' + comment + '</div>');

else {

comment = comment.substring(0, maxCommentChars);

var indexBreak = comment.lastIndexOf(" ");

comment = comment.substring(0, indexBreak);

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-body'+clsAdmin+'">' + comment + '...</div>');

if(txtMore != "") {

var moretext = replaceVars(txtMore, authorName, postTitle, cmtDate);

document.write('<div title="'+tooltip+'" class="rc-footer'+clsAdmin+'"><a title="'+tooltip+'" href="' + href + '">' + moretext + '</a></div>');



document.write('<div style="clear:both;"></div></div>');





document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://'+window.location.hostname+'/feeds/posts/summary?redirect=false'+maxResultsPosts+'&alt=json-in-script&callback=getPostUrlsForComments"></'+'script>');

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://'+window.location.hostname+'/feeds/comments/default?redirect=false'+maxResultsComments+'&alt=json-in-script&callback=showRecentComments"></'+'script>');


Some changes before saving it.

  • to set the number of comments to be shown, change the "5" value from the orange line
  • for the number of characters, change the "67" (for the 2nd widget, it is 95) value from the green line
  • to hide your comments, replace the Blogger User text TWICE with your username
  • to change the size of avatar, change "50" from the blue line.
  • if you don't want rounded avatars, delete this line:
  • webkit-border-radius: 100px;-moz-border-radius: 100px;border-radius: 100px;

Step 4. Save your widget and you're done! 

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About KhmerueTeams Official

Welcome to KhmerueTeams Officials Blogger. I am Mr. Chhuye The Admin of this blogger. If you have quetion contact me : +855968555664 / +855976235033 or watch my video on


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